September 2001
Sun. | Mon. | Tues. | Wed. | Thurs. | Fri. | Sat. |
1 |
2 Renaissance Faire3pm VRT World: AWTeen 1600s 600w AWBingo 5pm VRT World: AWBingo5 |
3 |
4 AW Trivia11pm VRT World: AWTrivia |
5 AWBingo5pm VRT World: AWBingo Y2000 Wednesday Night Rocks 1 Hour past midnight World: Y2000 |
6 |
7 CitBingo5pm VRT World: CitBingo TechTalk with Roland 8pm VRT World:AWUniversity |
8 Chucks Party Birthday Party9pm VRT World: AWTeen 1950s 1750w |
9 AWBingo5pm VRT World: AWBingo5 |
10 |
11 AW Trivia11pm VRT World: AWTrivia |
12 AWBingo5pm VRT World: AWBingo Y2000 Wednesday Night Rocks 1 Hour past midnight World: Y2000 |
13 |
14 CitBingo5pm VRT World: CitBingo Tour w/ Lady Pippin & Nitouche 7pm VRT World: AW 1953.8S 2562.7E 0.0a 312 Tech Talk with Roland 8pm VRT World:AWUniversity AW History Tournament Immediately after Tech Talk World:AWteen |
15 AW Survivor Challenge IV: Moon Marooned1pm VRT World: AWTeen |
16 AWBingo5pm VRT World: AWBingo5 |
17 THEGAME Orientation11pm VRT World: THEGAME |
18 AW Trivia11pm VRT World: AWTrivia |
19 AWBingo5pm VRT World: AWBingo Y2000 Wednesday Night Rocks 1 Hour past midnight World: Y2000 |
20 |
21 CitBingo5pm VRT World: CitBingo Tech Talk with Roland 8pm VRT World:AWUniversity |
22 |
23 AWBingo5pm VRT World: AWBingo5 |
24 |
25 AW Trivia11pm VRT World: AWTrivia |
26 AWBingo5pm VRT World: AWBingo Y2000 Wednesday Night Rocks 1 Hour past midnight World: Y2000 |
27 Sculptured Art Party210pm VRT World: AW 3911N 27613E 270 |
28 England World Birthday Party 6pm VRT World: England CitBingo 5pm VRT World: CitBingo Tech Talk with Roland 8pm VRT World:AWUniversity |
29 |
30 AWBingo5pm VRT World: AWBingo5 |