Subj:   Worlds Inc.
Date:   95-08-31 22:36:07 EDT
From: (Alpha World Main Support)

Dear Worlds Chat User,

We hope you are enjoying Worlds Chat (BTW, Version 7 is now available)!
 Worlds Inc. now wants you to test out your new virtual world.  AlphaWorld.

AlphaWorld is the first true cyber community.  By immigrating to AlphaWorld
you become one of its citizens and help to shape it.  You acquire and
property, assume an online persona, and interact in and with a living,
breathing, multi-user community. This is not some preprogrammed simulation,
it is as unpredictable and unique as the individuals who help create it.
 Including you.

AlphaWorld is still in its formative stages, but we want you to join us in
helping it evolve.  There are some rough edges that need smoothing, and a
of functionality remaining to be integrated.  Worlds wants you to help us
with the continued development of AlphaWorld by giving us your thoughts,
criticisms,  and suggestions.

In return for your beating up on the software and offering us your ideas,
will have the opportunity to be one of the first settlers in this new
"Metaverse".  And from now until the official launch, you can use AlphaWorld
all you want for free.

All you need to do is to join the test is to follow these instructions:

1.  With your web browser, point to

2.  Click on "Become A Citizen".

3.  This page will ask you for your e-mail so that it can send you your
immigration number.  You need to get the immigration number from your e-mail
in order to fill out your immigration papers.

4.  Fill out the immigration papers.  This is with in the "Become a Citizen"

5.  Click on "Download the latest release".  The download should take about
25 minutes on a 14.4 modem.

6.  Install AlphaWorld by clicking on the file from your Windows File
Manager.  The file is self installing and will ask you a couple questions
about where you want AlphaWorld installed.

7.  Check out the easy instructions and you are on your way.

See you in AlphaWorld!!!  And remember, it's your world.