: routines
: register


Updated 07/January/01. 

Click the left side colored icons (WEB) to proceed to any of the web lists. By clicking the colored line (AWCC) you will teleport to that theme's street of our virtually built register in the world AWCC. Please contact one of our Agents if you have any questions or comments.

Family Family < hobbies > < holidays > < children > < mom & dad>
Communities suitible to any ages, based on main stream interests or no theme at all.
Culture Culture < nationality & history > < art & litterature > < religion >
Language communities, ancient environments, communities where artists promote their work, or religious groups. 
Entertainment Entertainment < games & sports > < travel & recreation >
Communtities are based on games and activities. 
Building Building < no sub themes >
Communities dedicated to the fun and art of building.
Neighbourhoods Neighbourhoods < lifestyles > < military >
Communities focusing on socializing, often built on a specific community theme, or simply a place to call home...
Community Services Community Services < no sub themes >
Groups and communities offering non-commercial services to the AW community at large.
Science & Tech Science & Tech < science > < bots & AW Tech > < education >
Communities focusing on programming, technology, bots or any science. 
Just a few lines about how the register works. 

To register your community it must be an active community more than just a place too see. Anyone can somehow join as a member/builder/citizen. Examples: If you build a location featuring a collection of pet pictures or web links, it is not a community but a location. If you found a pets club where ppl can join, it is a community. If you build a maze it is not a community no matter how entertaining it is, but if you initiate a Maze Club/Town where other users can join as a member/builder it's concidered a community.

Your community must have at least 2 different community contacts to get registered for the AW Community Register. We will check that email addresses are working, so please keep our work to a minimum by avoid faked addresses in order to get on the register:) (yepp, occationally we receive such submissions). Remember - we are not running a list of community ideas:) Your community should have 2 contacts to make it easier for both us and the visitors to get in touch with you.

There is also a virtual version of the register where the most active communities are promoted in the community world, AWCC. The virtual register will allways be based on the web register, so to have i.e. a community booth there you must make sure your community is "green" on the web register.

We will ask you to verify your community's existence every 6 months. On the theme pages you will find either a red, yellow or green bullet for each community. The red dot indicates that it has been more than 6 months since the post was updated/verified, and the community must verify their post in order to remain listed. If you submit a verification within 6 months your community will stay green, and you will save us from some work:) Communities having a booth in AWCC will need to verify their web post every 3 months, so if you see a yellow bullet, that community has a booth, and need to verify asap...

Help - how do I pick a theme?
Are you about to choose a theme for your community, but can't decide? Here's some clues that might help;
  • When deciding the theme for your community, don't think of what there is to see, but what is the common interest of the community's citizens & members? What is the purpose of the community?
  • Remember that the thene is picked in order to help other users to find you. Under what theme would those users expect to find a community like yours?
  • If your community has no specific theme, then you should concider placing it under "Neighbourhoods" or "Building" - they are the more general themes, depending on whether socializing or building is the most important aspect of your community.
Please note that when we say Entertainment, we don't mean building, chatting and exploring. Neither do we mean a night club offering MIDIs, since a night club usually is not the community alone. It's just a building within a community. Also, not every community where people build should be sorted under the theme Building. Only if building is the main purpose of the community.

Remember; AW Community Register is not advertising things to see, but communities:) 

If you are in doubt concerning the themes, please contact any of the Agents