FamilyCultureEntertainmentBuildingNeighbourhoodsCommunity ServicesScience & AWTech

AW Community Register offers several services to the community, in addition to the web registry. On this page you will find out more about our services and what ComReg Agents to contact.

Please note that ComReg is undergoing yet another reorganisation, which should be completed during Spring 2003. The result will effect most of our services, some of them to be cancelled. Please check back for more details later on.

In the mean time; please direct any questions to Bille, as some of the Agents listings below is no longer correct.

If you like to become an Agent, please go here.

Services & Agents
  • Web
  • Community Booths
  • Events
  • Media
  • Assistants
  • ComReg Area in AWCC
  • Other
  • Teleport to AWCC

  • Web Division:

    External sites that are currently displaying ComReg banners:
    Moonlight Heights
    Mauz's Active Worlds Pages
    Community Linkage Commission
    Pink Village

    Web Register
    Banner Rotation Service
    Web form for submittions and updates

    Web Register:
    In the web register you will find hundreds of great communities where you can join as a member or participate in some way. Founded back in August 1998, ComReg has become the largest AW registry, from April 2000 with an additional Community Booths section in AWCC world. Lately the register has not been updated as frequently as intended, meaning we are behind with adding new communities. This is being worked on while you read this.

    The register is based on JavaScript, meaning your web browser must be set up with Java (most newer browsers are). If you have problems seeing the pages, please use the AW browser's built-in web browser. 

    If you have trouble using the buttons that appears on the web registrations, your web browser's e-mail client settings needs adjustment. Please check our FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions).

    The buttons are meant for each community's contacts to maintain their registration. If you are not listed as a contact, please do not click the buttons, only the red '?' one if you want to correct an outdated e-mail address. We always check identity and contact the true contacts when any changes are submitted.

    To learn more about what is required to get your community registered, please see info on the web form page.

    Banner Rotation Service:
    If you want people to find and join your community you need to advertise. AW Community Register offers towns, worlds and societies several ways of promoting themselves. One way to get attention is by joining the ComReg Banner Rotation. Create a jpg or gif banner, size must be 468x60 pixels, max 25k. If you don't know how to create such an image, we will gladly help you:)

    The banner will be on display on top of all the 7 theme web pages, no matter what theme your community is sorting under as well as on a couple supporting AW related web sites. The banner will be linked to your community's presentation on the web register. In that way, people who are clicking the banner will find all essential information on your community, including contacts, teleport, web link and the community description.

    Note: banners will only be accepted if your community already has a valid registration with ComReg, verified less than 6 months ago. Contact us for more information or submission.

    Booths Division:
    ... (WANTED)

    Street Contacts:






    Community Services:

    Science & Tech:

    Community Booths:
    This service is no longer offered, as of February 2003. We are currently looking for new ways to use our area in AWCC, and some kind of booth promoting might be available again. Please check back Spring 2003. Text below is left as is until we know what the new area will contain. The booth area can still be visited (click link below).

    A huge area presenting Active Worlds' most active and well run communities. The communities are sorted by themes, just like the web register, and you will find one street per theme. Each street is maintained by one of the AWComReg Agents, see list on left side here <<.

    Your booth will include a picture, teleport and even your local news and invitations if you want to put some extra into it. To use one of these booths your community must first get listed on AW ComReg's web register (the web site you are visiting right now). Booths are valid for a limited period of 3 months, but can be renewed simply by verifying your web registration every 3 months.

    In the booth streets you will also find general AW related announcements, quotes and newsstands.

    In the registration form you will find more details on how you can take advantage of the community booths area for promoting your world, town or society.

    Teleport to the booths area in AWCC world!

    Events Division:
    ... [wanted]

    Event Helpers:
    ... [wanted]
    ... [wanted]

    Community Show Off

    ComReg has been hosting many events, among them there was a series named Community Show Offs, films on the ComReg cinema (credits to Phalalphe) and we had some guided tours and Community Hunts. Because we have been sleeping, there has not been any events for the past year, but this might be changed this Spring!
    Community Show Off:
    Every month AW ComReg hosts a one hour long gathering where communities introduce themselves from stage, all attendees joins in on an AW Community related discussion, and there's even a Speaker's Corner followed by a guided tour! 

    We've added a seperate page giving you all the details, and there you will also find forms to sign up for presenting, or to suggest a topic for the AW discussion.

    We are also happy to receive suggestions on how we can improve this event. It's still popular, but should always be open to suggested changes.

    Check our message board at AWCC GZ for details on upcoming "Show Off" events, or keep an eye on our home page as well as AWEC's events calendar.

    Media Division:
    ... [wanted]

    ... [wanted]

    Community Articles & Photos:
    Again - this service has been down for some while, and we currently don't plan to reestablish it. Even so; if anyone wants to write community related articles for ComReg, we will gladly post them as part of this routine.

    Every now and then, the ComReg Journalists write articles on the registered communities. New articles are linked from our main page for at least one week, and will be found in the article index forever:) Click here to see articles that are already made available.

    Every month the Journalists will choose one community *) and write ComReg's recommendation in AWcom Inc.'s monthly newsletter.

    Contact one of the ComReg Journalists, and they will come to your community, explore, interview the owners, and take a couple pictures.

    *) Chosen among registered communities having a community booth in AWCC.

    Assistants Division:

    This division has been entirely closed. You can still join ComReg though, but because we are very few persons involved, there is no Assistants Division. See link below.

    Every single service is based on volunteers, and our #1 rule is that nobody should sign up to do more than they can accomplish, or for longer than they still think it's fun. That's why it's important for our organisation to have a group of Assistants ready to replace other Agents who want to step back for a while, or to assist or take care of less time consuming jobs.

    Having a job in AW will always be less important than one's Real Life. Although, it's important that some users do sign up for commitments, and it's even more important that the same users do realize whenever it's time to take a break:)

    Wanna become an Agent? Contact Assistants Division Coordinator, after reading this

    AWCC Division:
    NOTE: AW ComReg is in charge of only 1/4 of AWCC world.

    Bille [wanted]

    AW ComReg in AWCC
    Objects and Textures Display
    News Section
    Teleport Park
    Cave of Dead Communities
    AW Jobs Central

    AW ComReg in AWCC:
    AW ComReg's quarter of AWCC world was ready for the grand AWCC opening January 17, 1999. Together with AW Events Committee, AW Historical Society and the CYs, we were the largest organisations/services at the time. Actually, ComReg wasn't much of an organization, because it was started August 1998, and at the AWCC opening there wasn't any Agents, just Bille (founder). Today we are 10-20 Agents, and we still have jobs for more.

    Some of ComReg's attractions for the AWCC opening have been demolished, such as the huge Community Maze, where you could walk through endless corridors searching for the Community Spirit. The Maze was built inside a mountain. We deleted it to give room for the new Community Booths Area, opened April 30, 2000. If you look carefully, you can find some of the old objects in the new area, such as flying columns (see Start Point for guided tours), and of course the Aliens standing on columns in the green and orange Booth Streets. Point at them to get the message (they were originally "helpers" to (mis)guide you to the Community Spirit.

    The ComReg Area will never be completed, because we often adjust things, or add new facilities. You will need to visit frequently to make sure you won't miss a thing:)

    Objects and Textures Display:
    Every month we hope to present new objects and textures

    The objects are created by AW users, but the objects might not be available in any world yet, or they might:) If you like rwx-modelling, we can display your objects for a total of 2 months! (This service might be closed down spring '01 unless someone contacts us to display some objects...)

    The textures will be available in AlphaWorld.

    News Section:
    The AW ComReg area in AWCC also features community news, such as event invitations, calls for partners, job/assistance offerings and more. You are welcome to get your ad up by contacting us, at your community booth, or in our news section. Maybe your community or project wants to call for partners or assistants, like for creating that special avatar/object, updating galleries, being responsible to advertisements, running certain services or events? General ads like "We want citizens" or "Lots availabe for building" will be accepted, too:)

    If you don't have a community booth, but want your note to be put in our news section, then telegram text and url or coords to the Agent listed to the right of this text. 

    Teleport Park:
    This area provides some teleporters that will take you to major areas of AW with community teleporters. This will no longer be updated, but if you have any obvious suggestion/correction please contact us.

    ComReg Mini-Café:
    It might not be the best place to visit if you are really starving, but after walking all the community booth streets, it's well suited for refreshments and exhausted avatars. 

    Cave of Dead Communities:
    This is a well hidden secret, built for the opening of AWCC world back in January 1999. It's location is between AWCC GZ and the ComReg glass pyramid. In there you will learn some reasons why communities might die (not to be taken too seriously:).

    AW Jobs Central:
    This service was never really started, but because the building is already there, if you want to place an AW related job ad, don't hesitate to contact us.


    From the first round of "Community Show Off" taking place Jan 17th '99, at AW ComReg's Amphi in AWCC

    See you in AWCC!
    Click here to teleport to Active Worlds Community Center, or teleport to AWCC from
    the worlds menu of the browser. The AW Community Register's area is located S/E
    from GZ. Also make sure to visit our good neighbours, AW Events Committee,
    AW Historical Society and the CY Awards Committee ;)