The AW Community Register was started August 15th, 1998, and for a year it was maintained by only one person. Since that we've been counting many Agents, but lately the ComReg has been more or less sleeping. This spring (2003) we are looking for more volunteers in order to wake up thie organisation, and to secure our future commitments.The list of Services can be seen on the page Services & Agents. Agents are maintaining many different kind of jobs. Some jobs are temporary like one event, others might seem like never ending commitments. Some are a bit boring, while others can be appealing to one's creativity. Some jobs are graphically, some concerns organizing or community relations.
If you are willing to spend some time on community matters, you are welcome to join our crew:) New Agents will be assisting the other Agents, and can sign up for future jobs or commitments.
Please do not sign up unless you plan being an active Agent for at least 6 months. To sign up, please contact our Assistants Division Coordinator.
Become an Agent!
Have you got what it takes? You are a frequent user of AW, meaning you are visiting AW at least weekly. You have been in AW for a minimum of 3 months, and you plan to stay for at least 6 more months.
You like to take on some responsibility and like to help supporting the AW Community on a volunteerly basis.
You have some building experience - you don't need to be an expert, but you should at least know how to build incuding the basic actions like pictures and sounds.You have some community contacts - knowing the community would make it a lot easier, but is not strictly required.
You don't need to be an adult, but if you want to take on responsibility that will include deadlines (events planning etc) you should be in controle of your own spare time.
To sign up or ask for more information please contact our Assistants Division Coordinator.
Services & Agents