:Index of articles
Every now and then we will present a new article on one of the communities listed on the AW Community Register. Contact us if you like us to do an article on your town, world or society:)Horizon City
by Nornny, 10/Nov/00
One of the shining cities of Alphaworld, Horizon City, founded by sirQus, owned and run as a team by sirQus, Kraemerg; kennyMcQ and Q iamai, is a beautiful spectacle of buildings and scenery built by builders of all range, mixed in with the colorful and scenic landscapes and borders of palm trees and water. Very few cities go through the detail of decorating the smallest walk object like Horizon City.
So many builders, from legends to newbies, have been attracted to this haven that Horizon City has grown into a large melting pot of builders. The town's resume includes winning a much deserved Cy Award, and attracting such busybodies as Alphabit Phalpha and Lara
to name a few, to take the time out to build in the city.
As you step into the town's gz, you get the feeling of landing in a tropical paradise, equipped with a large beach, billowing palm trees, and eyesores of builds.
Come check it out for yourself though. Visit Horizon City at AW 7000s 14000e and see what adventures await in this Alphaworld metropolis.