
Today's history was yesterday's news. So - on this page you will find both news and history, all related to the AW Community Register's organization and events. 

This page is our contribution to one page of AW's history book. In the Archives we already have saved lots of information of the history of many of AW's communities, but nothing there is about AW Community Register's history. So, why not our own history page as well:) 

We also challenge all organizations and communities writing their page of AW's history; Events, councils, major developments and every now and then a count of members -  and so on. It might look less important today, but in a couple years someone will be glad to find it:).

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Fall: While ComReg's mission to help AW communities promote themselves might live on, the ComReg community web register has been closed. Due to few updates this is most likely no surprise to anyone. A handful updates that were sent in over the past months will of course be added to the register before the keys and secret codes are burried.

The register used to archive registrations that had not been updated or veriefied for 6 months. Now all the most recently archived communities are back on the lists, because with no more updates the ComReg will serve as a huge archive with information you might need one day :-)  Very old communities are still in archives, though.

Long Live AW, greetings from Bille.
November 26, 2003.

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May 26: ComReg's organisation in need of reorganisation. Divisions will be closed, and we plan to build up a less complicated organisation. This will include less services, but hopefully a more efficient system after all. Details to be storted out during June 2002.

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Dec 02: ComReg's database script has been rebuilt in order to add more future features. First added is a list of 5 latest added/adjusted communities, displayed on the main page, as well as a count of registrations for each of the 7 themes, also displayed on the main page.

Aug 17: ComReg's 3rd Anniversary celebrations in AWCC. Speeches by Phalphe and Bille, food & refreshments and a lot of balloons and music. Anniversary Scavenger Hunt started, ongoing for one week. Report by awnews

Aug 15: New Assistants Division Coordinator is Chriss182.

Aug 11: The new web site released, based on JavaScript, and for the first time the registry is searchable and the users can deside what way they want the communities listed. Subthemes dropped, improved search feature, and buttons for maintanence implented.

Jul-Sep: During Summer 2001 the ComReg was reorganized, divided into 6 Divisions; Anduin Lothario is coordinating the Booths Division and Media Division, Phalaphe is coordinating Events Division, Bille the Web Division and AWCC Division, and Coordinator for Assistants Division is not yet decided. Also the new web site script was worked on in July.

Feb 11: Community Show Off event, hosted by Anduin Lothar. Presenting Universal Town Network, and more.

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Oct 29: Community Show Off event, presenting USWF, Therapy World, A'tuin2, and ComReg Agent, Anduin Lothar, leading the discussion "Halloween recommendations". Event included one minute of silence in memorial of Alpha Phalpha. Event closed with a guided tour.

Sep 24: The Show Off event is featured on "SW City Times"

Sep 24: Community Show Off event, presenting SW City and more. Followed by guided tour to SW City.

Sep 01: ComReg featured in, Inc.'s September 2000 newsletter.

Aug 19: Community Show Off event, presenting Pink Village, and more.

Jun 24: Community Show Off event, presenting Ridge Rapids, Adventure County, SW City, plus Speaker's Corner and contest.

May 14: Community Show Off, presenting Gillisville, Vegeta Town, Retro City, plus discussion and guided tour

April 30: Opening of the Community Booths Area. The old Community Maze has been demolished to give room for the Community Booths. A few objects are saved, such as columns and Aliens (originally guides to lead or rather confuse you while searching the Community Spirit). The Aliens that were saved can be seen in the Building and Neighbourhoods streets, and the green Start Point for guided tours also include a flying column object that was built back in January 1999. See announcement in AW newsletter!

Apr 16: Community Show Off event, presenting AWWomen, Sojiurn's Rock Garden (guided tour after the main event), CY Nominations, plus community related discussion.
Mar 19: Community Show Off event, cancelled?

Feb 20: Community Show Off event.

Feb 13: ComReg Agents meeting

Jan 15: Community Show Off Special event, presenting AWEC, AWHS, AWComReg, CY awards. ComReg also arranged a World Hunt as part of AWCC's 1st Anniversary programme. The upcoming Community Booths Area were announced.
At this time there are 6 ComReg Agents.

Jan 09: Community Show Off event, presenting AWCC's 1st Anniversary, AW Citizens Community E-news Project, plus the monthly community related discussion. 

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Dec 12: Community Show Off event, presenting Weddings (with guided tour after the main event), AWGames, and a community related discussion leaded by Phalaphe.

Nov 14: Community Show Off event, presenting
AWGames (?), also with a guided tour after the main event. Discussion theme: "What would you do if you had AWLD's password for a day?"

Oct 17: Community Show Off event, presenting Astronomy Institute, New Caiba, CY. This event introduced a new section, Phalaphe leading a discussion - this time the theme is "Improving the AW Community", and there was also a guided tour of Dreme Lojyk's Astronomy Institute. 

Sep 25: ComReg Agents Meeting.

Sep 12: Community Show Off event, presenting Universal Town Network, A1stLove.

Sep 10: Currently there are 6 ComReg Agents: Dj Party, Phalaphe, RikerX, Triforce, Bille and Russell K (paused).

Aug 15: Community Show Off event, presenting 
Active Worlds Active Tutorial, Korjin. This is our 7th Show Off event.

Jul 18: Community Show Off event, presenting GoHere, Mt.Lofty, ROC

Jun 13: Community Show Off event, presenting Betaville, Bots, WOW, Cyberville. The web registry is currently listing 106 communities; 39 worlds, 49 towns, 18 societies.

May 09: Community Show Off event, presenting 
Intersculpt '99 and the Digital Sculpture Competition, CY Awards nominations and voting, Independent Community of AlphaWorld,
 Active Worlds Events Committee.

Apr 11: Community Show Off, presenting FreeBld, AW Ibfo Squares and Mountain View Village. Currently the Community Register is listing 31 worlds, 43 towns, and 17 societies = 91 communities! At this event ComReg's very first ComReg Agent, Russell, was introduced, and so was the AW Job Central, located in AWCC.

Mar 21: Community Show Off,  cancelled due to AW server problems.
Feb 21: Community Show Off event

Jan 17: Opening of AWCC world, the new home to AWEC, AWHS, CY and ComReg.

  • 4:00 pm AWComReg: guided tour
  • 4:30 pm AWHS: event
  • 5:00 pm AWEC: Trivia Contest
  • 6:00 pm CY Awards: event 
  • 6:30 pm AWComReg: Community Show Off 
  • 7:00 pm AWHS: event 
  • 7:30 pm AWEC: opening of New LittleBull Community Center 
  • 8:00 pm AWCC Opening GALA



    ComReg's S/E quarter of the world contains a huge Community Maze where the goal for visitors is to find the hidden Community Spirit. All registered communities were presented on signs in the maze, and on the opening day, xxx was the first to find the Community Spirit.
    The area also includes Cave Of Dead Communities, one Community Booth, the Glass Pyramid, an indoor show room, and the ComReg Amphi. As part of the AWCC opening programme, ComReg hosted the very first Community Show Off event.

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    Aug 15: The Foundation Day!:) This is the date when Bille invited 20-30 major community leaders, to register their community. The response was great, and things started rolling... 


    ComReg News & History
  • 2003 | 2002 | 2001 | 2000 | 1999 | 1998
  • ComReg Archives
  • Community History Links
    We'll provide a link to your community's history page, just send us the url:) We can even offer to host the page after it's done, as long as it's not including lots of heavy graphics, and no updates. Please contact us if you have questions.


    © AW Community Register 2001