It's amazing - AlphaWorld has been spinning around for 6 years, and now it is time to celebrate! When AlphaWorld was going public late June of '95, it was the the result of hard work, and the beginning of our Active Worlds universe, today counting more than 800 worlds.  

By initiating this major community celebration, we hope to bring the community's many groups closer, that we all will get to visit new locations, make new friends, to participate and to have fun. And you are all - groups as well as individuals - invited to initiate events that will be included to the official festival program. 

Festival has become an annual tradition - three days packed with events like this each year - the duration doesn't really matter, as long as we celebrate our AW community. 

Enjoy the third annual Active Worlds Community Festival!

  -Mountain Myst, MAGGIE4REAL, and Tauntaun


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