Volunteer Organization

Who are the Gatekeepers?

The Gatekeepers Organization is a team of dedicated individuals who volunteer
their own time helping new users learn the Activeworlds software, environment
and culture.

We use a roster system to ensure that the main entry worlds, AWGate and any
other world designated for entry, have as much coverage as possible in order to
meet and greet the new user.

Please feel free to contact a Gatekeeper on duty in AWGate or other worlds
designated for entry for more information regarding any part of the Gatekeepers

You may also like to contact the gatekeepers@activeworlds with any other
questions or queries you may have or if you can not find a Gatekeeper on duty.

Organizational Structure
The Gatekeeper Program is organized into the following structure:

Nursemom - Woody

Associate Directors:
Lazysuzy, OhioMan, Gentle Heart,
Cathrine, Nitecap, MaXPoly


© Gatekeepers 2013