Volunteer Organization

Gatekeeper Training Handbook


Training Checklist



AW Gatekeeper:

Date started:

Date completed:

Code of Conduct and Temporary Policy Statements - read, sign and email to gatekeepers@activeworlds. Make sure you keep a copy for your own reference.

Passwords - How to use them and the importance of keeping them strictly confidential including guarding passwords if other users have access to your PC.

PS Privileges - how and when to use them and when not to use them.

Troublemakers - how to try to use tact and refer them to the GK complaint email address in a effort to reduce the problem, try to use humor or go to MUTE if everything else fails.

Off-duty Etiquette - discuss in detail the use of bold, proper off duty behavior, protocol for whispering to the on duty Gatekeeper before starting you shift, and the proper way to offer assistance by whispering to an on duty Gatekeeper if it appears help is needed. Also discuss proper way to report or request helps for negligent behavior by another Gatekeeper and stress the fact that it is inappropriate to correct an on duty Gatekeeper in open chat or by whisper. Do NOT interfere with an on duty Gatekeeper. Call for a Director to assist you if the situation is that serious.

On The Job Training Sessions - supervise, assist and work with them during their actual shifts for a minimum of three complete two hour shifts before they are permitted to work a shift in a solo capacity.

Schedules - help them choose a shift, stress the importance of showing up for all scheduled shifts how to get shift covered if conflict in schedule arises and the proper way to change scheduled time in GKHelp. Also by sending this form using the sign located in between the AM  & PM Boards in GKHelp. gks/schedchange.htm  

Shift Reports - Explain the importance of such reports and the information that should be included in each report. Give the URL and a word doc. copy of a Shift Report. Explain each entry to be made on Shift Report and who to return Shift Report to if using word doc. Explain in detail about logging chat text.

AW Gatekeepers Web Sites - Give the URL and go through the site with the new Gatekeeper to familiarize them with all aspects of the site. Give the URL to the Message Board and instructions on how to apply for membership and explain the need to frequently check for new information.

Gatekeeper Meetings - show the location of the Meeting Hall, explain the protocol for meetings and its importance. Stress the need to attend meetings when possible but the absolute necessity to read minutes of all meetings.

Macros - explain how and when to use them. Make sure they have a copy of Quik Word and a sample set of Macros. Explain that it is OK to personalize Macros to suit their own personality. Explain that this is optional and is not necessary to perform their duties as a Gatekeeper.

Help Files - encourage them to become as knowledgeable as possible of the help files.

Shift Reports - explain how to complete shift reports and when they are to be sent. Stress the importance of completing the shift reports form immediately after completing their shift so that the memory of events that occurred is still fresh.

Other - Other training that may come available from time to time and any other training that the Trainer feels is necessary for a Gatekeeper to become competent.

Date and Signature of Trainer/s:

Date and Signature of AW Gatekeeper:

June 30, 2010


I. AW Guide's Training & Development

Training is a task that is never finished. It is an ongoing process and there should always be some new skill to master or existing abilities that can be improved upon. The Director responsible for training has primary responsibility to insure that AW Gatekeepers are properly trained. This does not mean that this Director must personally conduct all training. Fellow Gatekeepers and the other Directors may be called upon to assist with training and development.

A. Before being given the Gatekeepers PPW all AW Gatekeepers must have read and returned a signed copy of the Code of Conduct to the gatekeepers@activeworlds address. In doing so they are indicating that they understand and have a working knowledge of the contents.

B. Prior to assuming duties as an AW Gatekeeper and assuming the authority of a Public Speaker (a.k.a. going "bold") all AW Gatekeepers must receive the minimum training as indicated by the GK Training Checklist.

C. Prior to assuming duties in a solo capacity all AW Gatekeepers must receive authorization from one of the Directors indicating that they are fully qualified to perform their duties as an AW Gatekeeper without supervision.


II. AW Guide's Training Progression





III. Professionalism While On Duty

On-duty AW Guides are expected to:

                1. Present a professional image at all times by always "smiling from the wrist down."

                2. Use the bold Public Speaker (PS) mode.

                3. Seek assistance from one of the Directors or another Gatekeeper when needed.

                4. Accept and follow guidance given by a Director.

                5. Work cooperatively with other Public Speakers such as AW Inc personnel, AWGuides and the Peacekeepers.

                6. Save all on-duty sessions to the chat log.