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of March 99
Events of April 99 Events of May 99
April 2nd at 3:00 pm
ChatBot Build 20 release party April 3rd at 11:30 pm ChatBot Build 20 will be released at the party. The First Digital Sculpture Competition April 9th at 0:00 am The First Digital Sculpture Competition, held in conjunction with WOW Meetings April 10th at 5:00 pm Meetings of Woman World Owners and Helpers who want to help with AWGames Bowling Opening Party April 10th at 8:00 pm The AWGames Bowling Alley will be opening at this party, featuringZGV's New Art / Artist Exhibition April 10th at 11:59 pm Community Show Off April 11th at 7:00 pm AW Community Register hosts monthly gatherings where communities introduce themselves from stage. The entire event will last for ca 1 hour, and the programme will be announced a few days in advance at the entrance of AW ComReg's Amphi in AWCC. Lesbianville Community Center Opening April 16th at 10:00 pm
Trivia Contest - 4th round! April 17th at 5:00 pm
Gallerie 2222: "Inside Out" April 17th at 10:00 pm
Guided Tour of Texture Central April 17th at 11:59 pm Join a guided tour of Texture Central - a color-grouped, complete and well organized display of the everything available for the CAM line. Followed by a party - drinks on the house. ;-) AW Illustration Classes April 21st at 0:00 am An Illustration tutorial taught by graduates of Parsons School of A'tuin Pirate Treasure Hunt Ongoing Hidden somewhere in A’tuin are twelve treasure chests, each belonging to one of the twelve infamous pirates listed on the Treasure Hunt web page. If you can find all twelve chests, tell the A'tuin WorldMates and you’ll have your name displayed on the list of successful treasure-hunters in A’tuin, become a public speaker for a day, and also win a pair of avatars for use in a world of your own! The Treasure Hunt is now a permanent feature of A’tuin, so don’t be disappointed if you can’t find all the treasure in one evening - you've got forever to find the chests! :) Some of the chests are relatively easy to find, while others are pretty tough. But with these cool prizes, why aren't you in A'tuin right now trying to find the treasure? :) For more information visit the Treasure Hunt web page.Astrology and Relationships - discussions Every Monday at 2am VRT Every Monday at 2am VRT the Las Vegas Star Gazers will be discussing astrology and relationships at "A1stLove" world.Tours of Mundo Hispano Every Friday evening at 7:30pm From Nieves, caretaker of Mundo Hispano (Spanish world): Every Friday at [7:30pm VRT], spanish ground zero, we have guided tours of mundo hispano by members of the special events team. We take tourists and citizens to visit some of the special interest areas of our world i.e our impressive library links of books that interest all ages. Our church, discos, skyscrapers, parks,beach ect. end it all with a list of special events.Then we have a questions and answers session. "Tech Talk" with Active Worlds lead developer Roland Vilett Every Friday of April at 8:00pm Come join Active Worlds Lead Developer Roland Vilett for an informal chat session. Topics will range from current to future versions of Active Worlds, as well as the current state and future of online 3D technologies in general. This will be a freeform chat discussion with no pre-set agenda; topics will be chosen based on the interests of the participants. Let's get together and have a good time sharing our ideas and visions about the present and future state of this amazing technology! top of this page |