Volunteer Organization

AW Macros List

Below is a list of Macros you can add to a Quikword set
and can be used as is or edited for your own personal use.

Newer Macros

o.•'´¯).oOo. Welcome to Active Worlds 6.0 .oOo.(¯`'•.o

Hello to the New Arrivals o.•'´¯).oOo. Welcome to Active Worlds 6.0 .oOo.(¯`'•.o

Ctrl F1 F2 and F3 Toggle the Toolbars off/on - F7 for Credits

Greetings & Salutations Gaterz ! !

The Gate is meant to be a learning environment. If you need help, Please ask.

What's New in 6.0? See:
WARNING: you may have to do some reading!

Visit The AW Arcade right here in AW Gate Click:

You will find in AWGames World: CyPac, Bowling, Bingo, Checkers, Chess, Othello, Soccer,
Trivia, Nine Men's Morris and Warship.

† AW 5.2 † R. I. P.

You have landed in The AWGate - Home of the Gatekeepers - A world to learn and ask
questions aboutActiveworlds.

Please let me know if I can assist you in anyway :)>

Citizens enjoy...unlimited access to hundreds of virtual worlds, a protected citizen name,
secured property, privileges, instant messaging service, access to our expanded avatar
gallery and much more!

Public Speakers are here to help you:
No matter how many you see.

If you would like to apply to be a Gatekeeper, visit ...
You must be a citizen of AW for at least the past 6 months, over 18 years of age and be
familiar with AW in order to apply.

Use Ctrl+F1 through Ctrl+F3 to toggle bars on/off, i.e. useful for screenshots. Ctrl + F7 for
credits Info:

Hold the Right Alt key plus the Right Mouse button down to move/drag the bars.

Hold the Right Alt key plus the Right Mouse button down and double Right Click into a bar to
center it horizontal.

Hold the Right Alt and Right Ctrl keys, plus the Right Mouse button down, double Right Click
into a bar to center it vertically.

Mauz's Macros

♥   Welcome to Activeworlds  ☺  you can ask me about this place  ♥

►  This is the gateway to the Activeworlds virtual universe, where you can chat, explore, play
      games, build your own 3D places, and more!

►  For other places to visit here, press F9 to open Tabs, then choose Worlds list, and click

►   o.·'´¯).oOo Welcome to Activeworlds . oOo.(¯`'·.o    We Gatekeepers are here to help,
      just ask. ♥

►  If you don't want to hear someone, right mouse click on their avatar or chat line, and
      choose MUTE.

►  Choose Custom Avatar from Avatar list and then press the shirt button or Ctrl+F6 to create
      your own CAV!     Remember to hit Apply afterwards.

►  You have landed in The Gate - A world to learn and ask questions about Activeworlds.

Greetings / Salutation Macros

Greetings & Salutations

Greetings & Salutations... Welcome to The Gateway... and to this episode of As The Gate Turns.

Welcome to the Gate!!!  I am here to answer your questions & help you on your way to explore
hundreds of 3D Worlds.

You are at The AW Gate...The Gateway to hundreds of 3D Worlds!

Greetings & Salutations Gaterz ! !

We are to greet ...and to help new people to learn to use the AW Browser!

<==== Gatekeepers are here to help by answering any Questions you might have.... So feel free to ask.

Welcome to The AW Gate! I'm here to help you on your way in these worlds. Hope you brought
all your tough Questions!

I   (¯`°´¯)   Gatekeeping :)>

AW is an interactive Virtual community.  It houses hundreds worlds to build, explore, and play in.

If you are new to Activeworlds...relax...stay a spell ... Please ask me questions to better understand your environment!

If you need help using the software, or have general questions about Activeworlds, please feel free to ask.

Good Day People of The Gate, Welcome to this episode of As The Gate Turns.

Public Speakers are here to help you:
no matter how many you see.

Please be patient ....I am a mere Human ... I make mistakes!

Please note that when you enter a world for the 1st time, you’re cache is downloading…
The objects will appear soon and will not take as long the next time you enter.

CAV Macros

To start creating your CAV, Press ATL + A, select Custom Avatar in list. Then use CTRL F6 or
click on the T-Shirt Icon to open CAV window.

To change your appearance (avatar) Click on Avatar at the top of your screen and choose a
*look*. You can now choose between the Male and Female Avs or our Custom Avatars!
Please ask if you need help with the Custom Avatars.

REMEMBER; when you make changes, no one else can see those changes until you hit APPLY.
Don’t forget to SAVE PRESET once you come up with a look you like.

Quick Guide for making a Custom Avatar, See:

Building Macros

There are many worlds you can build in. Some of the worlds open for public building are
ABC, Atlantis, AW, AWTeen, COFMeta, and Mars.  For Tourist you can build in America,
AWTeen, Storage.

Go to AWSchool to learn.  Then, some of the Worlds that have Free Building are AW, CofMeta,
Yellowstone, Winter, Atlantis, Mars, Pata and there are others.

Citizens can learn to build in  AWSchool, there are people you can contact to help and there
are many instructions posted to make it easier.

Building is a learned process. You can start by looking under Building in the User Guide on the
Tabs to the left, or by visiting AWSchool.

Want to learn to build?  Need a place to practice? Click this link to teleport to AWSchool

There may be teachers there to help you or you can make an appointment by email.

Movement Macros

Lost?  Click on the House icon up top to return to your “Home” location.

Movers are objects you can sit / ride on...  To get on - Click it ...   To get off press F12.

Can't move? If you are stuck, click on "Teleport" at the top of your screen, then click on "to"
and then just click "ok".

Look at top of screen and see the action buttons to make your avatar Turn, wave, dance,
jump and other things.  There are different actions depending on the world and the avatar!!!

The 4 arrow keys are for moving on the ground, the " + " and " - " keys on the keypad at the far
right of your keyboard allow you to move up and down.

To SEE YOURSELF, push the END key.  Then click TURN to see your face.  To return to the first
person view, press the HOME key.

The plus key on the Num pad allows you to fly...  minus key brings you back down...  Use the
control key while moving, to go faster :)

On the left you can Mouse over the " TAB " to find  a world you want and click to teleport to
it........ No Tabs ??  Press F9 key.

Press Alt + A to see your avatar choices, We have (2) gender choices ...  Male & Female -
Citizens have numerous choices. Avatar choices change from world to world.

Mute Macros

MUTE MUTE MUTE MUTE - It's a wonderful thing!

If there is someone using an offensive name, you have the ability to MUTE that person.
Simply right click on their Avartar or chat txt and choose Mute.

If someones language offending you? Simply right click on their Avatar or chat txt and choose Mute!

Someone scrolling annoying you - MUTE MUTE MUTE MUTE!

"Better to keep your mouth closed and be thought a fool than to open it and remove all doubt"

You have to realize here at The Gate...  Gatekeepers are trying to help new people get
acclimated to the software...  and have fun doing it.

To mute someone, right click on their AV or their text and choose Mute.  Repeat to undo it.
Try muting someone that's annoying you...  just so you know how it's done.

No need to encourage poor behavior.  There are plenty of people here who will talk nicely
with you, and if someone is too offensive there is no harm in muting them. Just right click on
them or their chat text and click Mute.

The primary purpose of AWGate is to provide a helpful, friendly entrance to Activeworlds for

AWGate is for new visitors/citizens to learn the program, with Gatekeepers available to
answer questions and point out resources. If you’re looking for more to do than that,
try some of our 100's of other worlds.

Immigration Macros

To register, just click on the "Register now" button on your screen or go to the Active Worlds
web site at

A citizen has a contact list which allows people to send messages and teleport directly to their friends.

CHIP -- Citizenship Hath Its Privileges! As a citizen you can visit lots more worlds, build
permanently, telegram and join other citizens, send files to other citizens, and have

Gate Specific Macros

I    (¯`°´¯)   Gatekeeping :)>

Want to learn to make a CAV? Go to
for a tutorial.

You can explore hundreds of worlds, build your dream house, and create almost any
environment you can imagine! You can create your own worlds, play many games and
chat with people from all over the world.

World Teleport Macros

These links will teleport you directly to the specified world.

Add World Name after the question mark to create direct link to other worlds.

You can explore many "worlds" from Rated G - PG - PG13 etc.~~>

Want to learn to build?  Need a place to practice? Click this link to teleport to AWSchool.

Need a Tour? Want some One on One Help?  Go here and page an AWGuide:

Click to Visit AW Ground Zero:

Winter Wonderland that never ends in Winter World.

To go to or return to the Gate Click here:

To Go to America Click here:

ATTENTION!!! Click here to Teleport to AWGBingo for your chance to win a GREAT Prizes!

To go to YellowStone Click here:

Want to give back to the Community? Consider Joining the AWGuides!
See if we are not something you'd like to be a part of. Please See:

AW Guide Macros

Also in the world AWTours ... you can find AWGuides to help you with all aspects of

Need a Tour? Want some One on One Help?  Go here and page an AWGuide:

Want to give back to the Community? Consider Joining the AWGuides!
See if we are not something you'd like to be a part of. Please See:

Location Macros

The Titanic is located in Alpha World -

The Gate Gallery in Alpha World -

Binary Bud's Aerial Photo in Alpha World - (fly up and look down) 811w

Barnerbee's Sculptures in Alpha World -
or See :

Vera's Falling Water in Alpha World -

DMC2U's Z Object Yard Located in Alpha World -

Reunion 2005 in Boston and 2006 in Chicago near Alpha World GZ -

2006 Halloween Builds in Alpha World -

Need to relax? Try in: TheBeans -

OneSummers Citizen Gallery in Alpha World -

Go to Majestic World and click the sign at the GZ saying:
"Go To King Arthur's Coaster and Merlin's Magic Rocket!".

Build something for the one you love @ CHERi o 's Valentine Garden 2000 in Alpha World -

AWCC ...This world list tons of worlds and communities throughout
the universe - All sorted by type, public building, lifestyle, entertainment, etc...

The Palace of Illusion! in Alpha World -   Hope you enjoy it!! ;)

Christmas Stockings - in Winter World - Courtesy of Mech 65

Christmas Gifts at Oscers Tree Farm in Winter World - Courtesy of MaXPoly.

Laurel's Herb Farm in the historic Sherwood Town Forrest, one of AW's earliest
communities in Alpha World -

AWHS Museum in Alpha World -

NAC Cemetery in Alpha World -   by Sidris: 6666W_0.3a_0

Ravens Picture Yard in Alpha World -

A Memorial Site had been set up for Xyzzz. Click to go there now:

Xyzzz on the wall. Click to go there now:

Important Informative Links

Registration & Technical Support: & Help
or Email to:   or
or call AW @ 1 - 978 - 499 - 0222

Peacekeeper Headquarters is located 8 meters north of GZ in AW World.
If none are there, email them at:

PK Info:

Enjoy helping others? Then being a GateKeeper is for You!  GK information
and an application may be found at:
You must be a citizen for 6 months, over 18 and familiar with AW

CitBingo See:

AWG B I N G O !  Come win prizes, AWGuides hosts this event!
See :  for details.

For more exciting Events in Activeworlds See :

I'd like to extend an invitation to all of you who love this thing we call AW to check
out the AWGuides Program and consider becoming one of us.
Visit our web pages @

Everything you want to know from the fingers of AW Staff and Citizens.
From Bugs to Recipes check out:

If you would like to Praise a GK or if you need to send in a Complaint?
Please contact the GK Head Honcho's at: :)

For getting around, here is a Map of AW to make it more easy to travel .....

Want to learn to build?  Need a place to practice? Click this link to teleport to
There may be teachers there to help you or you can make an appointment by email.

You can explore many "worlds" from Rated G - PG - PG13 etc.~~> See:

Bots can be found at:

Bienvenue sur Activeworlds ! Vous pouvez retrouvez vos camarades
francophones sur les mondes suivants : français, Olympe, GaLa.

Vous avez besoin d'aide ? Vous pouvez obtenir de l'aide sur:

Text/Chat Translators:

Some Important Email Addresses-

Customer Service:
Content Violations/